Friday, November 1, 2013

Upper Body Kettlebell Workout

It’s almost time for the weekend!

I’m all for “functional” training (or whatever you want to call it) – but sometimes you gotta hit some of those beach muscles.

This upper body kettlebell workout sequence will get you that arm and shoulder pump you’re looking for – without the silly bodybuilding-style isolation moves.

You can do this:

- as a stand-alone workout (for three to four rounds)

- as an “add-on” at the end of your existing routine (for one or two rotations)

Check it out: 

Upper Body Kettlebell Workout 


And don’t forget – you can get 99 more kettlebell workouts like this one to use with your boot campers – and yourself – at 58% off for a few more hours here:

 =>Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout

Train hard, and talk soon -

Forest Vance, MS, RKC