Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Use Kettlebells To Lose Body Fat And Get Six Pack Abs

Are you tired of the same boring workouts? Has the progress you were once making towards your fitness goals screeched to a halt? Are you having a hard time finding an effective solution for losing fat and getting a flat stomach?

Kettlebell training is hands down one of the best ways to lose body fat and get a flat stomach. Kettlebells work your abs with full body movements and train your abs in a very functional, real life way. Here are a couple of specific ways they accomplish this:

First, kettlebells train your abs with full-body exercises - which are functional and train your abs hard, but also train a bunch of other muscle groups at the same time. And this is great for burning body fat.

Secondly, Kettlebells train your abs in a very functional way - the way they were meant to be trained. As an example, a crunch is a typical movement that is used to train the abs. But the crunch is a movement that is very rarely used in real life.
In contrast, kettlebell training trains your abs in a very functional way - doing squat with a weight in front of you (as in a Goblet Squat) is something you very well may have to do in real life. Keeping your torso and spine stable in this way is actually the primary function of your abdominals.

Three of the best kettlebell exercises for losing fat and getting a flat stomach are Renegade Rows, Front Squats, and Turkish Get Ups. Each one of these exercises uses multiple muscle groups and train your abs in their natural movement planes.

If you're looking to lose fat and get six pack abs, you're missing out if you're not including kettlebell training in your overall programming. Start incorporating kettlebells into your workouts and start reaping the benefits today!

Forest Vance, MS, CPT, RKC is a Sacramento kettlebell instructor and is the author of this article. You can learn more about him - and get his 'Top 10 Fat Loss Myths' consumer report - by visiting his website at
