Thursday, March 31, 2011

‘Crunchless’ Kettlebell Workout For Abs

Think you need Crunches and Sit Ups to work your abs? Think again ... check out this workout from Sacramento Personal Trainers Forest Vance and Staci Fiori:

Here's a video that shows how kettlebells can work the heck out of your abs (without - gasp! - doing Crunches or Sit Ups):

The Renegade Row - the exercise shown in the video above - along with three others was featured in a post I did a while back about three great kettlebell exercises for abs. But recently looking back over this post, I realized I left out specifics of how to incorporate these exercises into a workout ... so I put them all together into a short, intense, full-body 'crunchless' ab workout for you to try.

Here's your 'crunchless' kettlebell workout for abs:

1. Start with 12-15 kettlebell Squats - if you're just starting out, do Goblet Squats (with a single kettlebell). If you're more advanced, do double kettlebell Front Squats.

2. Move immediately from the Squats to 6 kettlebell Renegade Rows (each side).

3. Follow the Renegade Rows with a single Turkish Get Up on each side.

Repeat this sequence 3-5 times with as little rest as possbile.

And, in case you have questions about how to perform any of these exercises, the links below will take you to full descriptions of each, including video demonstration:

The Turkish Get Up

The Renegade Row

The kettlebell Squat

You can get a great ab workout using your kettlebell with having to do a single Sit Up or Crunch. This workout is a great example of how you'd put three of the best kettlebell exercises for abs together into a short, intense, and highly productive ab routine. Give it a try and let me know what 'ya think -


P.S. Signed up for the Kettlebell Basics newsletter yet? You’ll get a free kettlebell training video AND a copy of my ‘Beginner’s Guide to Kettlebell Training’ when you sign up … just enter your name and email into the box at the upper right of the page to do so today!

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